Offer veggies in unusual ways—your kiddo might just like one! Raw vs cooked veggies- kiddo likes the crunch?   Offer raw or partially cooked veggies instead of steamed.  Serve with a dip or sauce—kids love to dip!  Dip options- ketchup, cheese sauce, ranch, hummus, tzatziki, tartar sauce, mustard.  Some veggies that we usually cook (ex. […]

“Veggies Anyone?”

Do you have a regularly scheduled bedtime snack? I had a family (of 5 little ones!) who had what they named “Last Call”—love it!  The parents would announce Last Call and put out a small, but hearty, snack and a cup of milk. Kiddos got to decide if they wanted it or not.  This family […]

“Last Call, Kids”

Hot days call for extra hydration! Toddlers need about 4 cups of water, school aged kids need about 5-7 cups of water and tweens/teens need about 7-8 cups of water.  Of course, it depends on your kiddo, the weather and what else they may have consumed that day. Rule of thumb: be sure your little […]

Hydration Station

Here is a perfect way to expose your picky eater to food without the expectation of eating it!! Take a family trip to a local farm and pick blueberries or strawberries. When my kids were little we’d head to Emery Farm in Durham NH.  On a perfect blue-sky summer day we’d head out before it […]

Pick Your Own Food!  

If you’ve ever worked with me you KNOW I’m a breakfast nut! I love to eat breakfast (my favorite meal) and I encourage eating something within an hour of getting up in the morning. Eating something after a longer period of time without food (aka- fasting overnight while sleeping) will jump start your metabolism, cognition […]

Breakfast: The Best Meal of the Day

Recently, at a conference I learned that Iodine is one of the most under consumed nutrients by kids. Iodine is essential for growth and brain development.  Why aren’t kids getting enough of this vital nutrient?  Kids are consuming less seafood, less cow’s milk, consuming more dairy alternatives (which are not fortified with Iodine) and eating […]

Iodine: Is Your Kiddo Getting Enough?

Special treats One summer when our kids were very little, my husband and I took a family vacation to Nova Scotia.  We stayed in a cute cottage on the water and explored everything, marveling at the charm of the town. One of our favorite finds was an ice cream shop that had the yummiest ice […]

FroYo with the Family

Parents often tell me that the schedule goes “off the rails” in the summertime and kids ask for snack after snack after snack after snack!  Remember, consistent structure is a powerful strategy for feeding your kiddos. Stick to a general schedule of 3 meals and 2 snacks each day, reminding kids when eating happens and […]

Summertime Structure

Babies and toddlers can be such messy eaters….and that’s good! Remember how I’m always talking about exposures to foods in a variety of ways for picky eaters?  When little ones smear food in their hair, miss their mouth with the spoon and get it on their cheeks, mush it all around the tray, they’re exploring […]

Messy Eaters? No Problem!

Frustrated parents often tell me “kiddo loves to cook but won’t eat anything that they make!”  I love to hear that parents and kids cook together—it is a great strategy for introducing new foods (and individual ingredients), gives kids confidence and builds a strong connection with your kiddo. I respond to parents by asking them […]

The Power of Cooking Together