Growing up, my siblings and I all had a glass of milk with our meals, making it easy to get the necessary Calcium, protein, fat, and Vitamin D we needed for growth and bone health. Calcium is the nutrient that most people associated with milk.  Milk is also fortified with Vitamin D. Both Calcium & […]

Does your kiddo drink milk?

Families sometimes wonder what it’s like working with me on feeding their picky eaters.  How can I get their kiddo to eat when they feel like they’ve tried everything??? Working with me is not about me trying to get your kiddo to eat; it’s about meeting your child right where they are and figuring out […]

How Does Working With A Dietitian Help My Picky Eater? 

How many fruits and veggies should a kid get anyway?

Did you know that 4 out of 5 of us do not eat the recommended servings of fruits and veggies each day? The Goal: 5 servings of fruits & vegetables. Think of a serving is about the size of your fist (about ¾-1 cup).  Use the same estimation for your kiddo—a serving is the size […]

How Many Fruits & Veggies Should A Kid Get Anyway? 

Does the word “Fiber” make you think of the geriatric crowd? Bring bran muffins and prunes to mind??? Nearly all of us would benefit from a bit more fiber in our day regardless of our age. Fiber bulks up stool and draws water into the intestines which makes pooping easier. Fiber also helps regulate blood […]

How To Increase Your Kiddo’s Fiber

Got a teen that just isn’t in the mood to eat in the morning? You’re not alone! Many teens tell me that they just can’t stomach the idea of food early in the morning.  The problem is that they’re heading off to school without the fuel (and nutrition) that their brain needs to function. When […]

Karen’s Thoughts on Teens and Breakfast

My favorite snack tip:  “Buddy Up” your snacks! Remember when I told you (back in my first blog edition) that a snack is an opportunity for extra nutrition?  Buddying up a snack, such as goldfish, with something from another food group (like a yogurt or deli meat) means that your kiddo is getting the nutrition […]

Buddy Up Your Snacks!

Family-style serving: great for picky eaters

One of my favorite Picky Eater tips—family-style serving. What is that?? Serving dinner (or any meal for that matter) family style means putting the meal on the table and allowing everyone to serve themselves what they’d like in the amount that they’d like.  Of course, little ones will need some assistance until they learn the […]

Family-Style Serving: Great for Picky Eaters

Many parents worry that their kiddo “only likes carbs”—crackers, cereal, granola bars, chips, etc.  I call these “kid foods” —-kids love ‘em and parents wish they’d eat less of ‘em! In my experience kids like those foods because they’re always the same and that sameness is comforting.  Kids know what they’re getting from packaged food! […]

Kids Need Carbs!

Lots of times parents tell me that they feel “stuck” when feeding their kiddo breakfast. They worry that their kiddo prefers sweeter breakfast foods like pancakes or cinnamon rolls.  Or even wants macaroni and cheese for breakfast! What if we let go of the idea that some foods are “breakfast foods” and others are “dinner […]

Food is Food, No Matter The Time

Apple Donuts

THANK YOU for joining me on this first edition of my blog where weekly I’ll share my ideas on feeding your kids and offer tips on how to make feeding your family more joyful. Plus, there’ll be snack ideas—what could be better? First, what is a snack? The quick answer: a snack is a mini-meal […]

Apple Donuts and Karen’s #1 Tip