Take a Day Off 👩‍🍳

Put your teens/tweens in charge!

Assign a day each week that your tween/teen is in charge of planning and executing dinner.  This allows you a day off 🙂 AND gives them practice creating a balanced meal.

They’ll need guidance at first, but the payoff is huge! Start with a simple meal (you can use MyPlate as a template): spaghetti with sauce, salad & green beans (from fresh or frozen) or chicken nuggets, fruit & garlic bread or grilled cheese & canned soup. Keep it easy!

After you plan the meal together, have your teen/tween write a shopping list and head to the grocery store together.  Gather your ingredients and make a plan of execution.  Younger kiddos can wash fruits & veggies, bring foods to the table and be in charge of setting or clearing the table. Consider a written plan posted on the fridge so that everyone knows their part.

More kid involvement may also mean fewer complaints about the meal—you’re welcome!

PS- Want some help getting started? Book a Parent Coaching Call with me today

Snack idea- Melon chunks (water melon, honey dew, cantaloupe) and whole grain mini bagels, toasted w/cream cheese. 



Take a Day Off 👩‍🍳

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