“I Want to be Healthier, But I Don’t Have the Motivation”

Sometimes teenagers tell me “I want to be healthier,  but I don’t have the willpower & motivation to keep with it”.  We spend some time untangling what they really mean and then get down to making a plan.  

Here’s the thing: willpower & motivation are overrated and will only get you so far. What we really need is a plan, routine, and system.  This is what’s needed to get a new habit to stick.  Because on days that you’re not feeling motivated, a system/plan/routine are steps you can follow even if you don’t feel like it.  

One of the most important parts of establishing (and sticking with) a new habit is exploring new patterns to replace the habit that you’d like to create or break.  Allowing my teenage clients to brainstorm their own pattern replacement is key to getting them to “buy into” the habit change.

We identify the “cue” that starts the cascade toward the habit they’re trying to break and then we make a written plan to address it.   I get pushback about a written plan at first, but I remind teens that without a plan we just go about our days willy-nilly.  We all benefit from a plan. 

Ready to plan some changes to address feeding challenges with your family?  Reach out and we can get started 🙂

Snack Idea: Small slice of leftover pizza & carrots



“I Want to be Healthier, But I Don’t Have the Motivation”

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