The Power of Cooking Together

Frustrated parents often tell me “kiddo loves to cook but won’t eat anything that they make!”  I love to hear that parents and kids cook together—it is a great strategy for introducing new foods (and individual ingredients), gives kids confidence and builds a strong connection with your kiddo.

I respond to parents by asking them to flip the expectation from “kiddo WILL eat it if they make it” to “kiddo MIGHT (or might not) eat it if they make it”.  Cooking is a wonderful opportunity for kids to learn about foods without the pressure that they need to eat it.  Can the product of their cooking be a snack for someone else? A gift to a neighbor or their teacher?

Remember- their senses are being used when cooking and they are learning about those foods without eating them.  This is an important step in feeling more comfortable with new foods!

Snack Idea (courtesy of my mom ♥️ ):

Ham Roll Ups


  • Deli ham (the kind that is a rectangle shape works best)
  • Cream cheese (I use the spreadable type)
  • Small amount of chopped chives or green onions


  • Lay the ham flat so that the short edge is facing you. 
  • Gently spread a thin layer of cream cheese on the whole slice of ham.
  • Sprinkle on the chives or onions. 
  • Carefully roll the ham (starting with the short edge) making sure to keep the roll tight. 
  • Cut the ham roll into 6 slice and serve with toothpicks or other fun tool (chop sticks?)

Options: use a flavored cream cheese such as onion or veggie; add shredded carrots or other finely diced filling—you choose!



The Power of Cooking Together

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