The Odds Increase The More You Try – James Clear

So often parents tell me “I’ve tried ___________ and it didn’t work” or “I’ve served ______and they won’t eat it”. When we drill down a bit parents admit that they only tried a strategy once or served the food a few times and then gave up. This is understandable! Feeding kids is a big part of being a parent and it can feel frustrating to pull together a meal and then have it rejected. It feels easier to go with what you know your kiddo will eat.

Changing routines and expectations can upset kids and cause “bumpiness”. When parents get push-back to a new food or new strategy it can be tough to hold the boundary. But, as James Clear (Atomic Habits) says “The odds increase the more you try”. Just think about it—all new skills require practice and a new strategy to feeding your family or serving a new food means that you’ll all need to spend some time practicing. And don’t forget: it can take up to 10 tastes before you can decide if you really like it.

Framing a new food in this way can release some of the pressure to get it “right” the first time. So give yourself and your kids some grace and keep at it!

Want some guidance with making a new habit stick at your place? Reach out here.

Snack Idea: Triscuits, cheddar cheese & grapes

Please feel free to share this with someone who may like to learn more about cooking with kiddos!



The Odds Increase The More You Try – James Clear

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