Apple Donuts and Karen’s #1 Tip

THANK YOU for joining me on this first edition of my blog where weekly I’ll share my ideas on feeding your kids and offer tips on how to make feeding your family more joyful.

Plus, there’ll be snack ideas—what could be better?

First, what is a snack? The quick answer: a snack is a mini-meal and an opportunity to get some extra nutrition into your kiddo.  A snack is something to fill the gap between meals so let’s make it count!

My #1 tip for snacking is to make it fun!

Kids love to be in charge of their own food.  Give them the opportunity to create just the snack that they want! You can use the snack idea below to get started.

Apple Donuts


  • Apple of choice (firm, crispy ones work best)
  • Nut butter or sunbutter
  • For decorating: Rainbow sprinkles, dried coconut flakes, mini chocolate chips etc.


  1. Slice the apple crosswise in ¼ in slices (can you see the star?)
  2. Use a small circular cookie cutter to cut out the star, making your apple a donut shape.
  3. Spread with nut butter or sunbutter (drying the top of the apple with a paper towel helps to make it stick)
  4. Sprinkle away!



Apple Donuts and Karen’s #1 Tip

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