Karen’s Thoughts on Teens and Breakfast

Got a teen that just isn’t in the mood to eat in the morning? You’re not alone!

Many teens tell me that they just can’t stomach the idea of food early in the morning.  The problem is that they’re heading off to school without the fuel (and nutrition) that their brain needs to function.

When your brain is properly fueled, the part of your brain that is fired up and ready to go is the part that is responsible for problem-solving & teamwork—just what you need to learn!

Here’s a breakfast idea (or snack) that might appeal to your teen: Frozen smoothie pops


  • Plain or Vanilla Greek yogurt
  • frozen fruit (banana, strawberries, blueberries) &/or canned peaches and pears
  • Nut butter (peanut butter, almond butter, Nutella)


  • Whiz ingredients in a blender and pour into individual mini pop molds or small paper cups with a craft stick (so it’s no big deal if the stick gets tossed)
  • Freeze overnight

Here are some delicious combinations to get you started: 

Pears/almond butter/yogurt


Strawberries/peanut butter/yogurt 



Karen’s Thoughts on Teens and Breakfast

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