Iodine: Is Your Kiddo Getting Enough?

Recently, at a conference I learned that Iodine is one of the most under consumed nutrients by kids.

Iodine is essential for growth and brain development.  Why aren’t kids getting enough of this vital nutrient?  Kids are consuming less seafood, less cow’s milk, consuming more dairy alternatives (which are not fortified with Iodine) and eating less iodized table salt.

Be sure that you’re using Iodized salt when cooking, offer cow’s milk with each meal and introduce your family to seafood, which will help meet total Iodine needs.

Snack Idea: Peanut Butter and Fruit Roll Ups


  • Fruit
  • Tortillas (or pita)
  • Peanut Butter (or other nut butter)


  • Spread pb on the wrap (use a tortilla or pita bread) and then layer on sliced fruit—strawberry works great! 
  • Roll up and enjoy!



Iodine: Is Your Kiddo Getting Enough?

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