How Many Fruits & Veggies Should A Kid Get Anyway? 

Did you know that 4 out of 5 of us do not eat the recommended servings of fruits and veggies each day?

The Goal: 5 servings of fruits & vegetables.

Think of a serving is about the size of your fist (about ¾-1 cup).  Use the same estimation for your kiddo—a serving is the size of their  fist. Every time we eat (a meal or snack) is an opportunity to have a veggie or fruit.

Your family not eating any veggies at all? No problem–pick 1 or 2 that you like and plan a way to get one serving into your day.  Once you’ve mastered that, add a second serving.

Snack: Mini Bagel Pizza

This is a great way to let kids personalize their food (Read tip#1)


  • Mini bagels split in ½
  • pizza sauce (or pasta sauce)
  • Shredded mozzarella cheese (or pizza blend); also try feta, goat cheese, blue cheese
  • OR fresh mozzarella slices
  • Topping such as cooked bacon/deli ham/ground beef/chicken shreds/pepperoni/sausage; diced veggies like peppers/onions/mushrooms/asparagus/spinach/potatoes/broccoli


  • Place bagels, cut side up, on a baking tray. 
  • Spoon a small amount of sauce on top and sprinkle with cheese.
  • Add toppings and broil in a 400-degree toaster oven or regular oven for 10-12 minutes. 



How Many Fruits & Veggies Should A Kid Get Anyway? 

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