Anybody Grow up With the Clean Plate Club?

I come from a large family and my dad grew up during the Depression, so “wasting” food was a real sin in his eyes. 

We were all required to eat everything on our plates, whether we liked it or not.  I have memories of sitting in the dark with a plate of cold peas in front of me.  Everyone else had left the table and I just couldn’t choke down the peas. Does this sound familiar? It was pretty miserable.  

Making your kiddo eat food that they hate or making them finish food even after their belly tells them that they’re full can backfire.  It breaks down trust between parents and kids (hello power struggle!) and causes kids to ignore their internal cues.  

Not sure how to move away from the Clean Plate Club? Give me a call. I’m happy to help. 

Visit our website to see how Coastal can help.



Anybody Grow up With the Clean Plate Club?

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