Veggies need a better PR team

It’s been a while since I ranted about hiding veggies in foods……so here we go again!

Some new foods that I noticed have “hidden veggies”- Cheerios (what the heck?), Annie’s cheddar crackers and Beechnut mini waffles. Just Google “hidden veggies” and you’ll get plenty more examples.

It seems that we’ve convinced ourselves that the only way kiddos will eat veggies is if we hide them inside other foods that they like. I get it. Veggies can be bitter and unpalatable if they’re not well prepared (roasting makes them sweeter and a sauce can make them super yummy). We say “eat your veggies” before we pull out the dessert (read my thoughts about that here). We joke about having to choke down veggies for the health benefits. Or worse–tying veggies to weight loss. Veggies need better PR.

Products that I mentioned above sound like a good idea on the surface, right? At least your kiddo is getting a little bit of veggies when they eat these foods. Fine. I’ll agree to that point. But, I really question the amount of nutrition that’s coming from the veggie powders added to processed foods.

What’s my problem?

My main concern about these hidden veggie products is that the veggies are HIDDEN. Many kids won’t know that they’re there and lots of parents would like it that way. Here’s the thing: kiddos don’t learn to like foods (veggies) if they’re not exposed to them. Exposing kids to real, whole veggies is a long game! Don’t give up.

Reminder: it’s okay to ADD veggies to foods (this is a great way to get your veggies in every day), but it’s not okay to SNEAK veggies into foods. Example: Adding spinach to a smoothie without letting kiddo know (hiding) vs. including kiddo in choosing what veggies, if any, to put in their smoothie (choice).

Want some help figuring out how to ADD veggies to your family’s meals? Reach out for a Parent Coaching Call if you’d like more support on your quest to feed your family with less fuss.

Snack Idea: Apple slices & Nutella dip

Please feel free to share this with someone who may like to learn more about feeding kiddos!



Veggies need a better PR team

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