Q: How much juice can my toddler drink? I heard that if it’s 100% juice it’s the same as a serving of fruit.

A: While it’s true that the USDA states that 100% fruit juice counts as a serving of fruit, whole fruit is a much more nutritious option. Fruit juice is easy to overconsume, can cause diarrhea and may fill your toddler’s tummy up and leave no room for other foods. Whole fruit contains fiber which helps to regulate blood sugar, improves digestion, helps remove cholesterol from the bloodstream and is more satisfying than a serving of juice. But, an occasional juice box at a party or playdate for kiddos 12 months and older is fine!  

Remember the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no juice for babies under 12 months and no more than 4 oz.100% fruit juice per day for kids up to 6 years old. For older kiddos, limit juice to 8 oz. per day. And never offer unpasteurized juice or cider to kiddos of any age!

Snack idea- mini peppers & babybel cheese

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Q: How much juice can my toddler drink? I heard that if it’s 100% juice it’s the same as a serving of fruit.

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