Holiday Connection
With the upcoming Holidays I thought it was a good time to remind you that the food we share with those we love is about connection. It matters more that we share enjoyable foods with our family than if the kiddo eats something green.
When I think about people that are important to me and the food that I associate with them, it’s never the salad, Brussel sprouts or carrots. It’s my grandmother’s home baked bread, the cookies I baked with my mom, the Thanksgiving stuffing, the summertime ice cream or the hot dogs over the campfire with 5 other moms and 13 kids (a story for another time).
Park your worry about nutrition on the shelf this holiday season. Cherish your time together and make lasting memories by sharing delicious foods with the ones you love.
Need a little help getting dinnertime conversations started with your kiddos? Try Table Top Conversation Starters. These conversation starters range from prompts like “Would you rather be funnier, smarter or more athletic?” to “If you needed to create a victory dance, what would it be?”
Snack Idea: Anything–sit with your kiddo and share a moment together
Please feel free to share this with someone who may like to learn more about feeding kiddos!