Best Phone Call EVER!

The mom of a kiddo that I saw weekly for 2 years just called. She wanted me to know that her kiddo is eating at school! This is a BIG DEAL.

When J started with me he was very selective about what he’d eat and if the food wasn’t just so he’d reject the whole meal, sometimes skipping meals entirely. We worked hard at food exposures (aka: Food School) in my office and his parents carried over strategies they learned at home. Sometimes he’d take one step forward, get sick and take two steps back. His parents consistently brought him to Food School and he rarely missed a session.

Toward the end of our time together we shifted gears from food exposures and started cooking together. Cooking really drew J in and he was so proud of his egg cracking skills!

Now, not only is J eating his home-packed lunch, he’s eating school hot lunch. This. Is. Awesome.

This phone call had me close to tears. I am so grateful that this parent called to update me—it means the world to me to know that this kiddo is doing so well.

Good job J and parents—I’m proud of you.

Reach out for a Parent Coaching Call if you’d like more support on your quest to feed your family with less fuss.

Snack Idea: Low-sugar Pumpkin Muffins (from Yummy Toddler Food)

Please feel free to share this with someone who may like to learn more about feeding kiddos!



Best Phone Call EVER!

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